Heron ascending gracefully into flight from a soft blue sea
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Heron ascending into flight from a shimmering sea, its body gracefully stretched as it effortlessly springs into flight. Despite their large size, a heron in flight is surprisingly silent due to the special structure of their feathers which suppress noise.
Heron pictures – ascending into flight
Despite their large size, a heron in flight is surprisingly silent due to the special structure of their feathers which suppress noise. Grey herons are most noted for the noise of their call - a loud, harsh croak that they usually only make in flight or when disturbed.
Facts about Grey Herons
Scientific Name: Ardea cinerea
Family: Bitterns and Herons (Ardeidae)
Height: 100 cm
Weight: 1 - 2 kg
Wingspan: 155 - 195 cm
Diet: Fish, crustaceans, amphibians, molluscs, aquatic insects, small mammals
Habitat: Wetlands, lakes, seashores, estuaries, garden ponds
Distribution: Europe, Asia, Africa
Conservation: Least concern